Writing an emotionally charged situation

Grace Akallo and J.H. McDonnell begin their novelised memoir Girl Soldier: A Story of Hope for North Uganda's Children with:

The soil has become my blanket. This bed is warm and comfortable. Where am I? Maybe home? No, this is not home. It is quiet, only whispers of wind and the morning crickets. My foot hurts. I feel weak. What happened? I smell soil. This is strange.
Slowly the bitter memories flow back to me. I'm in Sudan, and I have been buried among the dead. Seven months after my capture, I am no longer myself.
When death illuminates my way, there is no sign of life. I have escaped death many times. Twice I tried to shoot myself, and I would have succeeded if a fellow captive had not snatched away the rifle.

Write a story that immerses the reader straight into an emotionally charged situation with your character. Make the situation something with short term immediate physical conflict and a long term major complication that needs to be overcome.

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